Austin Travis County Integral Care (ATCIC)

ATCIC Child and Family Services offers counseling and skills training, family counseling, medication services, case management and psychiatric evaluations.  We serve children ages 3-18.  Our programs include outpatient services, intensive case management, substance abuse program, YES waiver, early childhood intervention and family preservation.


ATCIC School-Based Services places full-time therapists across middle and high school campuses within Austin ISD. Referrals are received primarily from the campus Child Study Team (or equivalent), and therapists work closely with school staff to provide individual therapy with embedded family services following a comprehensive assessment. During the 2015 - 2016 school year, services operate on the following campuses: Austin HS, Bedichek MS, Burnet MS, Dobie MS, Eastside Memorial HS and International HS, Fulmore MS (and Fulmore Magnet), Gus Garcia YMLA, Lanier HS (and Graduation Preparation Academy), LBJ HS and LASA HS, Martin MS, McCallum HS, Sadler Means YWLA, Reagan HS, Travis HS (and Graduation Preparation Academy).



24 Hour Hotline



Child and Family Services



School Based Services 


